Monday, February 16, 2009

Cup of Tea or Listerine?

So this is what happens when you run out of Dixie cups in the bathroom. After getting ready for bed, Sher comes in and asks, "Mom, when are you going to the store?" So I ask her why and she says "Cause Dad makes me use Listerine and we are out of cups so he just pours it in like this." Her comments are followed by much pantomime of mouthwash being poured straight from the bottle into her mouth.

She then looks at me very disgruntled. "So, when are you going to the store?"

"Um tomorrow, now go to bed sweetie."

That's how we roll here at the Mullins Casa. We don't need no stinkin' cups.

1 comment:

  1. What Sheridan did not mention is how responsible I was to example the following: "even though we don't have the reccomended cups we can A. Improvise and still keep out commitment to strong oral hygeine intact and B. We don't have to put the mouth-wash nozzle to our mouths in order to do that
