Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I thought, I won't blog today cause if I do, it would look something like this:
Drrrrooool, drooooll :( :( drool :( :( :(
As you can see, that stuff gets old pretty quick. When I got home, K told me that I should go straight to bed but then I was mad at him cause he immediately pegged how tired I was and I was like, "Bed? Who, me? I'm not even tired." He just looked at me. So I went to bed.
In bed, I played solitare on my iPhone and refreshed Facebook every five seconds to see if anyone else had a more exciting life than me. The answer to that question is yes. Then that got old and I texted K to see what he was doing and he was all manly- like,"I'm watching baseball." And I was like, "oh, ok, yea baseball!" all sarcastic. Then he was like "sigh, sigh."
So I blogged. Laters.

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