I got breakfast in bed yesterday, except it was really dinner, but that was all my fault. K asked me if I wanted it in the a.m. but I can’t stomach breakfast ever until around 10, so I just waited until dinner to have it. I was lounging in bed reading and Sher came to take my order, with a long pencil and a piece of pink paper folded into a small square. “Good evening, ma’am,” she began in a formal voice, “I’m here to take your order.” (in a whispery undertone, she said, “as long as it’s something that Dad can cook”) I thought about my options and there weren’t many. So I grandly declared, “Eggs and toast! I shall have eggs and toast with coffee.” She painstakingly wrote down my order, and departed for the kitchen. On her way, she yelled at her brothers, “Hey you guys, we’re making Mom dinner. Are you coming or not?” In a spate of motherly affection, the boys decided to “not” and they continued their zombie killing on the Xbox. And I, in motherly affection, forgave them for desiring to kill zombies on a video game instead of making me toast.
Eggs and toast were brought to me in short order, heralded by some da,ta,da,da trumpeting by Sher. (imagine the Wedding March played while you eat eggs and toast in bed and you will pretty much have the idea) The food was delicious and a tasty dessert of M&M’s finished off the meal quite nicely, but what I most enjoyed was the love that my meal contained. I hope your day was a nice as mine. Laters.
I love your ability to write down the events of your day in great detail. What a sweet mothers day! Love you!