Today, like a direct snub from the cosmos to me, everyone on the train (except me) was sipping from a hot cup of coffee and my seatmate was very elderly. I seriously contemplated snatching his coffee and running because I didn’t think he could catch me. Yes, his coffee smelled that good. He must have sensed my wicked intent because he kept giving me furtive glances, and he moved across the row as soon as a seat became available. As I walked to work, I called K and told him the story and he mentioned how I might be the kind of person, who in an apocalypse kills/maims other people solely to hoard and drink the last bits of remaining coffee. I couldn’t deny it, and in fact the only other person that I would be afraid of in the coffpocalypse would be my mother, who might love coffee even more than me. I suspect that she might have already hurt a park ranger for his coffee once when we were camping and my dad forgot the coffee pot. All I know is that there was no coffee to be had, she disappeared, and then there she was, smugly sipping a steaming, white, to-go cup. I can tell you, we children gave her a wide berth that morning and minded our p’s and q’s.
I was able to restrain myself until I got the coffee pot going at work, but, in the coffpocalypse, it’s everyone for themselves!! Laters.
You know girl, gotta have that coffee in the morning, sometimes at night too!