Tuesday, October 18, 2011

On A Roll

There it sat; the lonely roll of toilet paper, far away from its spindle holder high on the wall. Why you ask? Why was the toilet paper lonely? It was I, I made it so because I am the only one, I said, THE ONLY ONE, who can put it lovingly on its holder to properly function for one and all. (did I write about this before? stop me if I have, no, no really don’t, its best to get it all out in the open)
I carefully considered it and I’ll have to say that this might be the thing that drives me crazy. I mean I say it all the time, (that I’m going crazy, I mean) but finding toilet paper on the floor while the bare, brown, cardboard tube dangles above just sends me into an instant state of rage. Did I just say rage? I know, geeze, see how shallow I am, how I lack self-control? Working on it now. Laters.

1 comment:

  1. It's an age old problem, never been solved. Mothers seem to come with a built in responsibility to put paper on the tp holder, everyone in the family expects it, nobody else wants to do it. GOOD thing it's a tiny little chore and done and over with fast.:)
