Saturday, March 7, 2009

Demons Out

I think I am losing it- and no comments from the peanut gallery.

I have lost the evil shopping demon that once inhabited this frail body. I can't tell you number of times that I went to Target with no money and by "no" I mean buying new placemats or paying my rent. And guess which won. Oh, but they were some damn fine placemats and they spiced up the table right nice.

I had a lot missing in my life and shopping made me feel good and dulled my senses with the euphoria that only a grande latte and a new pair of shoes can provide. Countless times, I neglected the things that mattered so that I could purchase a quick fix of shopping high.

Today I went to the mall and bought the kids a few things, but I left Lush with no bath bombs, and Forever 21 with only a token head band and a cheap necklace. I didn't even go in the shoe store!! I actually thought about the budget and the rest of the month and the summer, and the future. And then I felt sick with all the fiscal responsibility so I did have a latte, but I haven't had a coffee out all week so I deserved it.

Either things are going better for me personally or I am really sick and I need a girlfriend to come take me to buy shoes and placemats.

Probably it's the latter so I will be waiting on the porch for a ride to Target.

1 comment:

  1. Trust me you still got it- don't worry we all have our off days. ; ) But, good job the kids may get to go to college after all- Mine are counting on scholarships. Mama, needs a new pair of shoes...
