Friday, December 11, 2009

My Lunch

Hail to soup in can, or raviolis, or Spam in a pinch- extra points if the can is a pop-top and needs no can opener. Lunch is condensed into a cylindrical explosion of mystery goop advertised as all white meat with no MSG or trans fat. Almost all the food groups condensed into 18.6 ounces, meat, veggies and grains swimming in a broth of artificial colors and flavors. And all this fits neatly in your train bag and needs no assembly. Tantalizingly advertised as low-calorie per serving, you eat the entire can before you realize that the can holds 3 servings and you just ate a lot of calories. But perhaps your bag of peanut M&M’s will counter balance those errant calories, because after all, nuts are good for you, right? Laters.

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