The medical examiner says the death was instantaneous and it didn't suffer. What a relief.
Friday, May 29, 2009
This Picture May Contain Graphic Content and May Not Be Suitable for Children Under 14
The medical examiner says the death was instantaneous and it didn't suffer. What a relief.
Finally Friday
Happy Friday! This day feels like it has passed so slowly and I was thinking about jobs I might like where the day might pass a little more quickly. They all involved sitting at home in my underwear eating candy while I watched Tivo'd CSI. I did scour the classifieds, but so far I have turned up no positive search results. I have it out on Monster, but the only call I have gotten back is for a phone sex operator and believe me the pay is terrible.
I am ready to start my weekend. I love Fridays because I can't ever decide what to do with my free time. So I just play mental games with myself, weighing my options and then by the time I decide, it is Monday morning and I have to start the whole thing over again. It is a relaxing sort of insanity. I have a mani/pedi scheduled for tomorrow, so I have a great sense of accomplishment already and the weekend hasn't even officially begun. I do hope the sun shines at some point. Laters.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Unwelcome Guest or 3
Unhappy with his digs in the basement, the rat called a few friends, ate some garbage and moved on up to the main part of the house. Now instead of skulking around in the basement, the rat and his friends move freely about the house, availing themselves of the fine amenities that the Mullins home has to offer. Today he perched merrily on the shelf in the pantry, interested it seems, in joining us for breakfast. Our kind neighbors also informed us yesterday that they had seen the rats frolicking in plain sight on the back porch. Most likely they were having a cook out, but I had given them stern orders not to light the grill if K and I weren't home so there was no excuse. I feel bad because our neighbors probably think that we are dirty, rat loving people and I feel the need to invite them over to see our spic and span house. My guess is that the rats come from the huge dumpsters of the next door restaurant, see our delightful layout and just want to stay.
Laundry I am fine with the rats helping out, but food service…. Not so much. K has made the appropriate stern phone calls to our landlord and I hope that the rat and his friends are soon dispatched to the special heaven set aside for those of their ilk. In case you wonder, I am super grossed out. Laters.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Word of the Day
I let Sher lie in my bed until she fell asleep. The truth is that I am glad to have her here with me, all warm and pink, snuffling quietly in her sleep. I often find myself thinking of my children, each one at different times of the day, while I remember the things that make them. The boys usually pass on the cozy bedtime part, but they always stop to give me a good night kiss and I always feel a fierce sense of pride.
Things are neat and quiet here tonight, I had the house cleaned today and I felt no responsibility this evening except to have dinner on the table. I made spaghetti and it was good and simple and the night passed in easy camaraderie. (You can't imagine how long I've wanted to use camaraderie in a sentence and tonight was the magic night)
I read a good book and felt at ease in my mind- that is a rare gift in itself. Thankful that life (and K) reminds me to enjoy the here and now and be present for each day's offering. I have let many a good day pass lived, yet unacknowledged. If you can't tell I am feeling maudlin and I will now sign off for bed. Laters.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Read Any Good Books Lately?
Satisfactory day spent lolling about and relaxing. I also had a cupcake from Crumbs which pretty much makes life good. Not too much to say tonight. Laters.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Feeling Patriotic
I cried a little during our local Memorial Day parade- hoping that people thought I suffered from terrible allergies.
To put my feelings in a nutshell, I was thinking, "Thanks for saving my slice of Americana" and I hoped that all those in a foreign place carry memories like mine locked somewhere in their minds. And I hoped that in some strange way, this simple reverence brought some measure of peace to those who had lost someone dear.
When the question is posed what is war for; I suppose in the basest sense, it is insuring that all the those around me, known and unknown have the right to be who they are.
That the grey haired ladies from the local nursing home can sit merrily waving flags in their wheel chairs, though not many years ago they sat in my place with no grey hair and children all around them.
That the Brownies and Girl scouts and soccer players have the freedom to grow.
That an elderly lady wearing a flak jacket, American flag socks and stiff orthopedic shoes can kiss all the cops as they march by.
That the dignified Knights of Columbus and Lions Club gentlemen can march stiffly and straight-faced while wearing large, cockaded hats.
That a middle class white couple can sit in the sunshine with their adopted children eating pancakes and sausage from the local church fundraiser.
That a group of teens can pass back and forth with sideways hats and chains, one carrying a snake wrapped up in a hoodie under his arm.
That the same boy, his pants sagging precariously low can ride his bike in front of the parade at least fifteen times in an hour.
The the war protesters can march in a war memorial parade with "peace" and "stop this war now" signs, in perfect confidence that they are safe.
That high school bands can march in terrible jumpsuits while sweating, yet keeping perfect time to Yankee Doodle Dandy.
That the fire trucks and ice cream trucks and soldiers marching in cadence would always incite the same sentimental feeling in my own children.
That this perfect melting pot in my own backyard has the freedom to be free. Thanks a lot to those who died for my piece of heaven. Laters.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Water Melon
The best part about my melon was yesterday when I was picking it out. I was next to the "thumper" a short, Asian man with a serious look on his face. He walked from melon to melon giving each one at little thump. It sounded like a mini drum solo and then he finally found the perfect one and loaded it into his cart
I normally walk around giving the melons futile thumps because I never can tell by the thumping which is the good one. I respected both his thumping and his quick decision making skills. Luckily, the one I picked was a good one so I am trying to remember the sound. Laters.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Line Jumper
A really old and crabby lady cut in front of me in line at CVS. I was upset until I saw the following things:
- She was wearing foxy brown pantyhose with flip-flops with a khaki jumpsuit
- She had run into the bad side of Botox, lip injections and the mad colorist who does off shades of blonde
- Due to the flip-flops, I could see her funky toes and huge bunions (when I say funky- I mean ewwwww!)
- After seeing this I
- Threw up in my mouth
- Felt sorry for her
- Wasn't so upset- maybe she was in a hurry to get to the podiatrist
- Wished K were there to see it cause feet gross him right out
- Threw up in my mouth
After all these observations, I just looked at my lovely, bunion free feet and waited my next turn in line. Laters.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Bite Me
I'm really in a lather to read the three new vampire books I just checked out at the library. One is titled "Dead Sexy" which sounds promising, so I may start with that one. I have a whole theory on why people read vampire novels and the like. If you want to hear it, I will be glad to send you a copy of my manifesto. The basic premise is that people really want something more than the everyday ordinary and that our basic nature is supernatural, so we seek it out. Some of us seek more than others; like a certain unnamed friend who went to see Twilight 4 times and owns the DVD. K thinks I just like to read dumb books, but it really is a spiritual experiment. Really……honest.
The only hindrances to my reading so far have been a late fee at the library $2.30, work, and Reag's band/chorus concert that is scheduled for tonight. I love my kids more than my own life, but I detest band/chorus concerts at the fifth grade level. I will go and be a good mamma, but as soon as the last flat note is sung, I am heading home to read.
It is poetry Thursday and I couldn't find any vampire poems, so I went with a limerick instead. I had a hard time finding a good one. They all tend to be terrible. Laters.
By Edward Lear
There was an Old Man in a boat,
Who said, 'I'm afloat, I'm afloat!'
When they said, 'No! you ain't!'
He was ready to faint,
That unhappy Old Man in a boat.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Spring.....Is that You?
I sat outside for a few minutes and felt the sun scorching down; attracted to the whiteness of my bare legs.
I walked to the train without huddling in my jacket. And I was sweaty when I arrived.
The birds seemed a little louder, the sky a little bluer.
At random times, I looked longingly outside, jealous of all the lucky ducks who weren't working.
I smelled flowers.
Spring are you finally here? Laters.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
List of Bad Things
1. Car repair bill is $750, which I happen not to have.
2. I made homemade mac and cheese for my fam and the kids turned up their noses. It seems they prefer Kraft in the blue box. K ate his and had seconds-maybe to make me feel better?
3. Found out that my bikini trimmer was dropped and broken by "???" no confessions are forthcoming and its a jungle out there.
4. Airfare is so expensive, so is childcare, so is everything................ My finances are starting to feel like an old Johnny Cash song.
5. I turned off the alarm and didn't go to the gym so I had gym guilt all day.
6. I am officially down to one Ziploc bag of freezer burned hamburger meat, and some chicken breasts in the freezer. Pantry holds two cans of navy beans, a fruit cocktail cup, all the oatmeal raisin cereal bars that no one likes, ramen noodles, large bag of oatmeal, and a huge bag of flour. I have to go to the grocery store.
7. My show got bumped on Tivo because of American Idol and stops halfway through the recording. Frustrating way to end the day.
I hope your day was better than mine. Laters.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Good Times
This is me: after a few shots of sake. Note the droopy eyes and slightly addled expression.
This is the birthday girl-
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Plans for the Evening
The City of a million restaurants and millions of people in every size, shape and color. In the City, the musicians in the subway stations are better than most on the radio and they play for change.
In the City, there are purses and pretzels and shops galore. Anything your heart desires you can have- for a price.
In the City, girls mince along on towering heels careful not to get caught in the subway grates or stride purposefully along in sneakers or ballet flats. Men push past you roughly always headed somewhere important and they never say "excuse me" or hold open doors. Its every man for himself in the City, and every woman too. If you are going to the City, you must be brave and never mind the rough and jostling crowds.
The City has bars and clubs on every corner and museums that house priceless works of art. The rich and the poor rub right along together, each headed to their own special place.
My special place for this evening is a birthday party. I will take the train into the City and when we reach Grand Central, I won't stop and stare like a newbie at the beautiful painted ceiling. No! I will walk with my fast City walk along with all the rest striding purposefully to my destination. Oh the City is grand! The City is scary! The City is fun! Laters.
Friday, May 15, 2009
I loved it when I was in school and we were given writing prompts. I love order and rules, so writing from a prompt suited me just fine. So as I stared at my blank screen wondering what to blog about today, I gave myself writing prompt. It was this: write about the first word that comes to your head. My word was star.
I may have thought "star" for many reasons, one possibly being that I deserve "star" treatment, or perhaps it is because I saw a short line today from the Dr. Seuss story about Sneetches and their stars. Whatever the case may be… is the word of the day. Hmmmmmm….
- Star Trek- saw it, liked it pretty good, hard time keeping up with the whole future/present thing
- Star Wars- LOVE it. Seen it a million times and counting. Fave character: Han Solo
- Sun- I have heard this is a star, but calling it that seems awkward
- Movie star- Johnny Depp please
- 4 Stars- quality rating on hotels and restaurants. I am a 4 star girl.
- Converse star- give me some low-top Chuck Taylor's any day.
- Star gazing- a little wine, a little telescope, a little snack, a little wine….
- Starfield- a Christian band- not my fave at all
- Star struck- not really, but I do keep up with People and TMZ
- First star- Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I confess that I have wished on many a star, but had no wishes granted to my recollection. So this may not work.
Those are my thoughts on "star." Laters.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
100th Post!
This is the 100th post to my blog so I want to see response from my huge fan base. (all 15 of you) The daily practice of writing some words has been invaluable to me as a person and I have enjoyed it so much.
It is Thursday so I will leave you with a gem of a poem: Some Sylvia Plath to brighten your day……..or not. Laters. P.S. This is not about my pa- He is the best ever. I just like Plath.
by Sylvia Plath
You do not do, you do not do
Any more, black shoe
In which I have lived like a foot
For thirty years, poor and white,
Barely daring to breathe or Achoo.
Daddy, I have had to kill you.
You died before I had time——
Marble-heavy, a bag full of God,
Ghastly statue with one gray toe
Big as a Frisco seal
And a head in the freakish Atlantic
Where it pours bean green over blue
In the waters off beautiful Nauset.
I used to pray to recover you.
Ach, du.
In the German tongue, in the Polish town
Scraped flat by the roller
Of wars, wars, wars.
But the name of the town is common.
My Polack friend
Says there are a dozen or two.
So I never could tell where you
Put your foot, your root,
I never could talk to you.
The tongue stuck in my jaw.
It stuck in a barb wire snare.
Ich, ich, ich, ich,
I could hardly speak.
I thought every German was you.
And the language obscene
An engine, an engine
Chuffing me off like a Jew.
A Jew to Dachau, Auschwitz, Belsen.
I began to talk like a Jew.
I think I may well be a Jew.
The snows of the Tyrol, the clear beer of Vienna
Are not very pure or true.
With my gipsy ancestress and my weird luck
And my Taroc pack and my Taroc pack
I may be a bit of a Jew.
I have always been scared of you,
With your Luftwaffe, your gobbledygoo.
And your neat mustache
And your Aryan eye, bright blue.
Panzer-man, panzer-man, O You——
Not God but a swastika
So black no sky could squeak through.
Every woman adores a Fascist,
The boot in the face, the brute
Brute heart of a brute like you.
You stand at the blackboard, daddy,
In the picture I have of you,
A cleft in your chin instead of your foot
But no less a devil for that, no not
Any less the black man who
Bit my pretty red heart in two.
I was ten when they buried you.
At twenty I tried to die
And get back, back, back to you.
I thought even the bones would do.
But they pulled me out of the sack,
And they stuck me together with glue.
And then I knew what to do.
I made a model of you,
A man in black with a Meinkampf look
And a love of the rack and the screw.
And I said I do, I do.
So daddy, I'm finally through.
The black telephone's off at the root,
The voices just can't worm through.
If I've killed one man, I've killed two——
The vampire who said he was you
And drank my blood for a year,
Seven years, if you want to know.
Daddy, you can lie back now.
There's a stake in your fat black heart
And the villagers never liked you.
They are dancing and stamping on you.
They always knew it was you.
Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I'm through.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Mrs. Robinson
I think that the eighteen year old working at the drugstore below my office has a crush on me. He gives me extra coupons, free pill boxes so I won't forget my meds, and special treatment in the checkout line. He also saves receipts for me with the chance to call and take a customer service survey to win $1,000. Maybe he thinks that if I win we can run away together and live on love.
He pays me nice compliments like saying that I look too young to have kids even after he just developed family pics of me and all my brood. I just smile my mysterious older woman smile and lead him on 'cause sometimes he gives me free 4x6 photos.
Today he told me that my dress looked pretty on me. I said thanks and walked on with a little extra get-up-and-go in my step. I do think that I disappointed him a little though when I asked him where the knee braces were. (I hurt my knee during one of my fierce cougar workouts) Being an ageing seductress is hard work. Laters.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Muchas Gracias
I would like to thank my friend Sara L. for the guilty pleasure of TMZ and the like. How else would I know that a certain celebrity has nude pictures, a bald spot, butt cellulite, or about the man who smuggled 20 songbirds into LAX in his socks. This is invaluable info and knowledge is power.
I am practically giddy with the knowledge that Ms. California keeps her crown despite the TMZ boob shot. Laters.
Monday, May 11, 2009
The day of the new camera
This is Sher giving me some Mother's Day love.

These are my kids posing for my new camera- My Mother's Day gift- so expect to see tons of pics on the blog now. I suppose it is too much to ask for a straight faced, non-hand gestured pose?

Me and my hubby. He says I look great. Please be aware that I know I look tired and haggard just so that you know that I know. I think that the new camera likes to take "fat face" shots of me. Laters.

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Flowers and Showers
1. I am totally and completely fine with getting a pedicure every Saturday. (Its happened two Sats in a row by accident)
2. It is nice to have a shoulder to cry on and to offer one in return
3. I love tuna sandwiches on white bread
4. Planting flowers makes me happy and K grumpy
5. Planting flowers leads to a muddy house
6. Skim latte w/two sugars (just kidding- I never forgot about that)
7. Hats are good for early morning soccer games when you don't really want to shower
8. Rain doesn't always equal a soccer rain-out- Boo
9. K laughed at my Topsy Turvy but if it works and grows tomatoes I won't give him any
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Because She- by Kevin Mullins of
My hubby and I did a blog swap today and I think his is pretty darn good. Especially all the nice things he says about me and his admissions of guilt. I will put these on the fridge for future reference. I hope you enjoy and you can find him at
Because She:
Is the only one who tells me to shut-up
Calls my stupidity what it is on those rare occasions it emerges (insert first smiley face here)
Gets mad and stays that way for a while
Saved my life once (or twice)
Is willing to say "I don't like that and I won't do it"
Punched me in the solar plexus and left me gasping for air on the floor of my closet once
Can distinguish between sorrow and pouting
Won't sell out or play dumb
Throws away my favorite shirts when she doesn't like them anymore
Doesn't throw me away when she doesn't like me anymore
Holds grudges like a healthy person does (second smiley)
Moves me
Is an excellent judge of character (every home needs one)
Once birthed a child (at my urging) and then did it twice more
Is convinced of God's purpose for her and unwilling to settle for less
Locked me outside the house in my underwear, for no reason at all (third smiley would be appropriate here)
Another poem from my son
Another great poem by my son Reagan. Laters
The Small Small Book
I know of a small small book
which answers all your problems
you ask it a question
then wait for days
or a matter of months
until the help arrives in small, small print.
It is wise, like an old Chinese man
I've only found recently.....
for this book
has just become visible to me.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
One of these days............
This is my bunny left over from Greek Easter. He is afraid of me. Afraid that I might eat him, so he sits very quiet and still on my desk. He never bothers me. Every morning I say "Don't worry, I won't eat you."
But he doesn't believe me cause he knows one of these days I might
and have him for breakfast- tail first, then ears. Laters
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Which Girl R U?
Please identify yourself from each genre (you know who you are) I find myself to be a pleasant mix of course!
Rap girls:
- Thick thighs
- Applebottom jeans
- Reeboks with a strap
- Are very "independent" and "pay their bills on time"
- Have mountains of disposable cash for expensive accoutrements
- Lick their lips often
- Like to "go til the break of dawn????" (I am very confused by this)
- Have "back" as in "baby got back"
Country Girls:
- Got her name on the back of her belt
- Got a kiss on her lips for her man and no one else
- Likes makin' love in the pale moon light
- Likes the boot scootin boogie
- Predominately blue-eyed
- Some in favor of waiting for the rodeo man- most are not
- Buys her lingerie at Wal-Mart for half price
- Keeps her Christmas lights up all year long
Rock Girls:
- Have legs and they know how to use them
- Crazy about a sharp dressed man
- Love Rock and Roll
- All they want to do is make love to you
- Favor blonde, teased hair and lots of eye makeup
- Enjoy rolling around on car hoods
- Are once bitten, twice shy
- Are thorny- as in every rose has its thorns
Indie Girls:
- Have hairy pits
- Jagged little pills and man angst
- Like to run around naked in their living rooms
- Are ironic
- Are non-blondes
- Spin you right round
- Sometimes shave their legs and sometimes they don't
- Thank you frailty, India, disillusionment
Monday, May 4, 2009
100% percipitation
Other exciting things on my agenda tonight are paying bills (woot, woot) and going to bed early. I know, I know, my life is a non-stop party bus. Pray for some sunshine here and some warm weather. Laters.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
soccer, (I ran out of coffee before the games even started-bad)
some flower planting and yard digging, (sore back- check)
swap and shop- quarterly clothes exchange betwixt some friends and I (got a cool new necklace and ate a lot of Samoas with a Sam Adams, so it was all good)
lunch at our fave Chinese place, Village Gourmet, (yummy food- shout out to them, woot, woot)
a trip to Crumbs bakery for yummy cupcakes, (need I say more?)
a trip to the E.R. for Sher's arm which was dislocated by her brother on the aforementioned cupcake trip, (this was not fun, but we were out in 2 hours so I count it as a positive trip. Brother feels sufficiently bad and sorry) Now to bed cause my tail is draggin' . Laters.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Busy Little Me
I hope to have a little R & R, but the week-end is looking pretty packed. Isn't it funny how having some time away actually makes you more tired? One might think that a few days off with nothing to do would provide all sorts of rest, but I am exhausted!!
The kids are pretty tired as well, in fact, as I type Reag has fallen asleep lying against my arm. This is sweet in a mommy sort of way, but it also makes typing a wee bit more complicated.
The only thing on my agenda for the evening besides the sleep, which I mentioned already, is dinner at our fave Mexican place. Friday night is when they have the smokin' mariachi singer so Sher and I are pretty pumped for that. I hope he sings Scooby Doo. Laters.