Friday, November 20, 2009


I let the dreaded “almost cuss” out last night while driving. Lately, the terrible traffic and ever worsening drivers around our fair town has really gotten to me.
I had Sher and Reag in the car when I was almost side-swiped by a speeding Mercedes doing a lane change without looking. I let fly, “why you son of a….” stopping short of the cuss word, but unable to fill in the blank with anything clever. I hastily finished with, “terrible driver,” but who am I fooling, it almost came out.
So there I was, left with a terribly phrased, unsatisfactory curse, the knowledge that I almost slipped, and another helping of road rage. Perhaps a few days off for Thanksgiving will cure my dyspeptic attitude. That, or laser cannon attached to my car that I can use freely on deserving idiots. Laters.

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