The whole family has the crud. Or the suds as I like to call it since I like Spongebob and the suds sounds better than swine flu or it’s less menacing nom de plume H1N1. Well, to be honest, only Sher has the H1N1, but K who never, ever gets sick (other than the time when I was preggers and he threw up all in the carpet- that was a hard mess to clean) has the suds in a maniacal, crazy sort of way. Lots of hacking and coughing and vibrant nose blowing, along with a hearty fever. Marvin school has refused to take Sher back ‘til next Monday per CDC regulations even though her fever has been gone for 3 days. I find myself peeved at this stringent policy but hog-tied and out of options. Ry is sick too, with K’s bug, but not as bad and is on bed rest and Dimetapp per the doctor. Reag went bravely all alone to school today but as soon as he realizes that everyone else is home eating ice cream and watching T.V. I expect he will succumb as well in rapid fashion.
I am quickly approaching the end of my sick time and am now pondering now the age-old adage about calling in dead, but I think I need to save my dead days for Christmas vacation. Laters.
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