Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Here's A Good One

What is better than a good knock-knock joke as told to you by your 7-year-old? Not much, I’d say. It was the good one, you know the one where you say banana 50 times before you say “orange you glad I didn’t say banana?” I must confess that I was glad she didn’t say banana, but that’s just me. You might like it. As I am not feeling well, Sher has camped out in my bed to keep me company, armed with a bag of trail mix, (yes, honey those are coconut flakes on your side) a few knock-knock jokes, and a rap song that she learned at school about communities, she is all about making me feel better. I would say other than the fever and body aches, this is a pretty good night.

Knock-knock, who’s there?
Laters who?
Just kidding, Laters.


  1. She is so sweet keeping you company while you are not feeling well. Her knock-knock joke is super cute and you can tell her that she can call me anytime and give me a knock-knock joke. <3 you girls!

  2. She does indeed tell some pretty geat jokes. She told me a real good one today on the way to school.
