Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Small Bloom

Yay- I noticed today that the orchid I keep in the window sill at work has a bloom. You don't know how hard it has been keeping this sucker alive. It has been just a stick since the 2nd week I got it. I faithfully watered the stick and kept it in the sun since Oct. Yes, Oct 2008.
I'll let you know how the bloom goes. Maybe I don't have much of a green thumb.
Also, good news to report. I didn't fall and break anything walking on the sheet of ice that was the sidewalk today. I am also happy to report that I saw in the paper today that the city won't be responsible for the sidewalks since the budget is so bad. They will now fine homeowners $90 smackers if they don't keep the walkways clean. I have a list of names I would like to give them.

1 comment:

  1. Beware to Thee Oh Non-Sidewalk-Scraping Greenwichites. If the fair Jacinta falls and busteth her fair derrier, the great white prince from the North will maraude in and wrek havoc upon thee.
