Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I Be Up In The Gym….

I am back at the gym working on my fitness, which really just means I am trying not to have the largest butt on the beach. Two days of "healthful eating" has felt more like two months. I realized this morning that a person that I dislike by association is the check-in guy at gym. Don't get me wrong, he is a nice enough fellow. Actually, I am not sure that he is really awake when I go, but it is early, and he always gives me a quiet "good morning".

My beef with him is that he knows how often I exercise. When I am having a great streak and I make it in 3 or 4 times in a week, I look him right in the eye and say a hearty, "good morning" right back. If I am doing badly, I slink in without making eye contact and try to scan my card before he notices me. Right in front of him- he has my exercise history and he knows when I am lazy. I am sensing some of the same tendencies that Santa has, he knows when I am sleeping, he knows when I am bad or good….

When I return after a long hiatus, I feel a compulsive need to explain to him that I was on vacay and not really being a slacker. I am sure he doesn't give a care either way. Laters.


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